We currently maintain over 60 sites and are contracted to keep these up-to-date. Doing this manually is a near full-time job - keeping apprised of all of our dependencies across projects and ensuring any security vulnerabilities are patched within time.

Tools such as Dependabot exist, however we were after an open-source tool we could run on private repositories. We also use several different technologies, so having a single tool to update composer, npm, docker and gitlab-ci dependencies would be a huge bonus - I'm a big fan of having a single source-of-truth.

After a couple of false starts I came across Renovate - a tool which ticked every single box I had - including being able to run it privately on our self-hosted Gitlab install, meaning everything can sit in the comfort of our ecosystem.

This blog post is a bit of a beast, I've included some jump links below and have hopefully broken it up in sensible places. I also repeat bits throughout in the thought you are more likely to scan through this looking for something specific rather than read it top to bottom. Give me a shout on Mastodon if you have any questions.


Renovate is a behemoth that can be configured in a myriad of different ways. Rather than try and explain them all, this post outlines how I have it set up - I wouldn't expect you to copy it verbatim but hopefully it includes a few pointers to get you unstuck.


We have a single "Renovate" repository which has the central config. This runs regularly and has the list of target repositories stored within - in theory, nothing needs to be changed in the target repository itself for Renovate to start updating it. There is a option which allows you to have optional configuration files in the target repositories.

I use a central config.js within the Renovate repository and then, if overrides are required, add a renovate.json file to the target repository.

For example: We have our Renovate instance updating the Renovate repository itself. In the default config, we have it set so all minor updates are required to be merged by a human, however, with the rate Renovate release it required several merge requests a day.

In the Renovate repository, there is a config override stating minor updates can be automerged:

  "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
  "packageRules": [
      "matchManagers": ["npm", "dockerfile", "gitlabci"],
      "matchUpdateTypes": ["minor", "patch", "pin", "digest"],
      "automerge": true,
      "automergeType": "branch"

Scheduled Running

There are currently 2 ways of Running our renovate set up - manually via NPM or on a scheduled CI job on Gitlab. The scheduler runs every 2 hours every day but we have configured the Renovate automergeSchedule to only merge branches during the working day.

Running Renovate

Setting up and running Renovate was a big hurdle for me to get over, however once you get the knack you can slowly iterate.

Running Locally via NPM

Renovate can be installed via NPM and this is how I do most of my testing, how I onboard a new repository or if I need to force an update. I have a single repository that is set up for both NPM and Gitlab CI triggering.

Installing and Configuring

npm install renovate --save

Once installed, I added the following scripts block to my package.json file

"scripts": {
    "renovate": "renovate",
    "renovate-debug": "LOG_LEVEL=debug renovate"

This allows me to run

  • npm run renovate or
  • npm run renovate-debug

Passing -- after the command allows me to pass in additional parameters, such as the repository if I wish to override:

npm run renovate -- mikestreety/mikestreety

Make a config.js in the same folder - this is where you can configure Renovate.

Running via Gitlab CI

To run via Gitlab CI, I have the following file:

image: renovate/renovate:36.43


    - schedules

    - schedules
  when: manual

I separated the scheduled & manual tasks out separately in case I want to set some overrides for specific circumstances.

With the version number in both package.json and .gitlab-ci.yml, you can see why I have Renovate updating Renovate.

Environment variables

The Config File

If you're here just for the configuration file, it can be found below:

try {
	// Are we running locally?
} catch (e) {}

const { repositories } = require('./repositories.js');

const urls = {
	gitlab: process.env.GITLAB_URL,
	composer: `${process.env.GITLAB_URL.replace(/\/$/, '')}/group/63/-/packages/composer`,
	npm: `${process.env.GITLAB_URL.replace(/\/$/, '')}/packages/npm/`,
	docker: process.env.DOCKER_REGISTRY

// This is necessary, because the env is preset by Gitlab and overrides any Git config done by Renovate.
Object.assign(process.env, {
	GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'RenovateBot',
	GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: '[email protected]',
	GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: '[email protected]',

module.exports = {
	 * Base Config Extensions
	extends: [
		// https://docs.renovatebot.com/presets-group/#groupmonorepos

		// https://docs.renovatebot.com/presets-group/#grouprecommended

		// https://docs.renovatebot.com/presets-workarounds/#workaroundsall

	 * Repositories


	 * Managers

	// What dependencies are we updating?
	enabledManagers: [

	 * Global Path & Package Rules

	// Skip any package file whose path matches one of these. Can be a string or glob pattern.
	ignorePaths: [
		// Copied from https://docs.renovatebot.com/presets-default/#ignoremodulesandtests

		// Custom additions

	ignoreDeps: [

	 * General Config

	// Disable all major updates
	major: {
		enabled: false

	// Wait 5 days before creating the MR (the branch is made at the time)
	minimumReleaseAge: '5 days',

	// Pin packages by default
	rangeStrategy: 'auto',

	// Set this to true to allow passing of all environment variables to package managers.
	exposeAllEnv: true,

	// Enable Renovate configuration migration PRs when needed.
	configMigration: true,

	 * Dependency Dashboard

	// Create an issue with the pending updates
	dependencyDashboard: false,

	 * Git & PR settings

	// Who to commit as
	gitAuthor: 'RenovateBot <[email protected]>',

	// Enable semantic commits
	semanticCommits: 'enabled',

	// Set the semantic commit type to build
	semanticCommitType: 'build',

	// append a table in the commit message body describing all updates in the commit.
	commitBodyTable: true,

	// Who to assign the MR to
	assignees: [],

	// Rebase open PRs with default branch
	rebaseWhen: 'behind-base-branch',

	// How often to make a PR
	prHourlyLimit: 0,

	// Concurrent limit
	prConcurrentLimit: 0,

	// When should it automerge?
	automergeSchedule: ['after 7:30am and before 5pm every weekday'],

	// Labels to add to the PR
	labels: ['Author: Bot'],

	 * Setup

	// Should an onboard PR be made?
	onboarding: false,
	// Do we require config? (set to optional so the repo can have it if needed)
	requireConfig: 'optional',

	 * Platform

	platform: 'gitlab',
	endpoint: urls.gitlab + '/',
	token: process.env.GITLAB_API_PRIVATE_TOKEN,

	// Get to private Gitlab packages
	hostRules: [
			hostType: 'packagist',
			matchHost: urls.composer,
			token: process.env.PACKAGE_CI_TOKEN
			hostType: 'docker',
			matchHost: urls.docker,
			username: process.env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER,
			password: process.env.DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASS

	// Get to private NPM packages
	npmrc: `@packages:registry=${urls.npm}\n${urls.npm.replace('https://', '//')}:_authToken=${process.env.PACKAGE_CI_TOKEN}`,

	 * Lockfile Maintenance

	lockFileMaintenance: {
		enabled: !!process.env.LOCKFILE_UPDATE,
		automerge: true,
		automergeType: 'branch',
		branchTopic: 'lock-file-maintenance',
		schedule: ['before 5pm']

	 * Post Upgrade

	// What post upgrade commands are allowed
	allowedPostUpgradeCommands: [
		'composer update --no-scripts --no-progress --no-interaction',
		'npm install --save --ignore-scripts'

	 * Package Rules

	packageRules: [
		 * Specific packages

		// Local packages
			matchCurrentVersion: '0.0.0',
			enabled: false

		// TYPO3
			matchPackageNames: ['^typo3/'],
			rangeStrategy: 'pin',
			minimumReleaseAge: null

			matchManagers: ['composer'],
			rangeStrategy: 'pin',

		 * Dev Depndencies

			matchDepTypes: [
			rangeStrategy: 'auto',
			automerge: true,

		// Liquid Light - composer
			groupName: 'Liquid Light composer packages',
			matchPackageNames: ['^liquidlight/'],
			automerge: true,
			rangeStrategy: 'pin',
			automergeType: 'branch',
			addLabels: ['Action: Will Automerge'],
			minimumReleaseAge: '1 day',
			registryUrls: [

		// Liquid Light - NPM
			groupName: 'Liquid Light NPM packages',
			matchPackageNames: ['^@packages/'],
			automerge: true,
			automergeType: 'branch',
			addLabels: ['Action: Will Automerge'],

		 * Update Types

			matchUpdateTypes: ['minor'],
			addLabels: ['Action: Review Required', 'Review: With Developer']

			matchUpdateTypes: ['patch'],
			commitMessageSuffix: '[patch]',
			automerge: true,
			automergeType: 'branch',
			addLabels: ['Action: Will Automerge']

		 * NPM Packages

			groupName: 'NPM dependencies',
			matchManagers: ['npm'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['minor', 'patch'],
			semanticCommitScope: 'npm',
			addLabels: ['Tech: NPM'],
			postUpgradeTasks: {
				commands: [
					'npm install --save --ignore-scripts'
				fileFilters: ['package-lock.json'],
				executionMode: 'branch'

			matchManagers: ['npm'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['patch'],
			groupSlug: 'npm-patch'

			matchManagers: ['npm'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['minor'],
			groupSlug: 'npm-minor'

		 * Composer packages

			groupName: 'Composer dependencies',
			matchManagers: ['composer'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['minor', 'patch'],
			addLabels: ['Tech: Composer'],
			semanticCommitScope: 'composer',
			postUpgradeTasks: {
				commands: [
					'composer update --no-scripts --no-progress --no-interaction'
				fileFilters: ['composer.lock'],
				executionMode: 'branch'

			matchManagers: ['composer'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['patch'],
			groupSlug: 'composer-patch'

			matchManagers: ['composer'],
			matchUpdateTypes: ['minor'],
			groupSlug: 'composer-minor'

		 * Docker dependencies

			groupName: 'Docker dependencies',
			matchManagers: ['dockerfile'],
			addLabels: ['Tech: Docker'],
			semanticCommitScope: 'docker',
			rangeStrategy: 'auto',

		 * Gitlab CI dependencies

			groupName: 'Gitlab dependencies',
			matchManagers: ['gitlabci'],
			addLabels: ['Tech: Gitlab CI'],
			semanticCommitType: 'ci',
			semanticCommitScope: 'gitlab',
			rangeStrategy: 'auto',

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Mike Street

Written by Mike Street

Mike is a CTO and Lead Developer from Brighton, UK. He spends his time writing, cycling and coding. You can find Mike on Mastodon.