3rd July 2017
SCSS Reverse direction
There may be a point in your CSS coding that you want to know the opposite of a direction (e.g. up, down). This function allows you to pass it a direction and get the opposite back!
Showing posts from the category "CSS"
3rd July 2017
There may be a point in your CSS coding that you want to know the opposite of a direction (e.g. up, down). This function allows you to pass it a direction and get the opposite back!
3rd May 2017
Being able to animate with CSS transitions is great, although there are a few gotchas when using them. This one with transition-delay had me scratching my head for a while.
26th April 2017
CSS Custom properties are now supported in Edge, meaning you can use them nearly everywhere. However, there are some cases where further browser support is required. Using PostCSS we can use CSS custom properties in development while still maintaining cross browser support.
17th November 2016
I recently set out to remove all of the vendor prefixes from the CSS for all of our clients at work. This is because we use Gulp with Autoprefixer - which means we have up-to-date prefixes and cleaner SCSS. One way of doing this would be to open every CSS file, search for `-moz`, then search for `-webkit` etc. Some of the CSS I was searching through is well over 5 years old and is rife with vendor prefixes.
20th May 2016
With recent front-end twitter conversation turning to CSS frameworks, I went on a roller coaster of emotions but eventually settled on the above to sum up how I felt about the ordeal. Before we settle once more, let me take you on the journey I travelled.
2nd November 2015
Written For Liquid Light
Making sure your typography is readable on every display is arguably one of the most important aspects of front-end development. If your users can’t read the content on the ...
11th November 2014
Written For Liquid Light
Following on from our recent blog post about SVG Sprites which gave an introduction and overview to using SVGs in a sprite, this post will outline the processes and tools ...
7th August 2014
Written For Liquid Light
This article will explain how and why you would want to use SVGs and what advantages using them in a sprite can bring. It will also cover scaling the images ...
10th June 2014
With the weekly golden nectar of Sass News winging its way into my inbox every week, I decided to take on the challenge of giving the newsletter a facelift
24th March 2014
Writing and updating CSS can be a repetitive, tedious and arduous task - especially for big projects. CSS preprocessors can help with that - amalgamating related styles and helping you make your style sheets more DRY
17th March 2014
This post introduces how to compile SCSS with Gulp along with some core concepts
23rd February 2014
We've been going through a bit of a reshuffle at work with regards to our front-end conventions and layout.
4th February 2014
Recently we've decided a change in preprocessor to help optimise our workflow. Within this blog post, I am going to type Sass, but really I mean Scss.
23rd October 2013
Creating a Less mixin to style input placeholders without using an autoprefixer
19th October 2013
We have been using LESS for a while now, but our process involved including the less.js in the header during development, compiling the LESS using an app before launch and then maintaining the site using the css.
11th November 2012
I've recently been getting into pre-processors for CSS and I have been using LESS for sometime - getting to grips with the nesting and variables while keeping a library of my own mixins.
24th January 2012
Recently with the spate of CSS3 and media queries, there has been a few debates over how development should be done.
25th January 2009
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets are the easiest, cleanest and most accessible way of styling a website. Tables were previously used to position objects on the page and CSS used just to make the text look pretty. Now CSS is being relied more and more to position images, text, add spacing to websites and bring the whole site together.