TYPO3 Developer Days 2024: Day 3 - 3rd August 2024

TYPO3 Developer Days Day 3 notes.

See other days:

Managing and Developing an Extranet as a TPA - A TYPO3 Page App - Rebecca Düker, Christian Keuerleber

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

  • Built a new extranet
  • Started with MVP
    • Define important functions
    • Understood complexity
  • Routing (routes = paths)
    • Allow bookmarking
    • Allow logging in & redirecting back to original path
    • TYPO3 & API routes sent to TYPO3, everything else to React Router
  • API uses b13/slimphp-bridge
    • use Slimphp for a frontend typo3 request
  • React components for frontend
  • Use DTO (Data Transfer Objects) to communicate between the two
    • Variables are defined and typed early to allow FE and BE to work independently
  • Tips
    • Send the data you need to the FE
    • Only send UIDs back to BE
    • Use HTTP/REST standards
  • Plans can change (as you understand the brief more)
    • Creativity increases as the project progresses
  • Communication & transparency is key
    • Trust as basis
    • Grants access to full potential
  • Access is done in TYPO3 so even the Middleware is blocked from unauthorised requests
  • Imports are CLI tasks so they can be scheduled
  • They set up a middleware application between external resources & TYPO3 which prepares the data
  • Tests are run with Codeception
    • API calls with Guzzle
    • Tests CLI commands
    • FE tests boot up the whole app
  • Monitoring is done using Playwright on Production
    • Runs nightly
  • Composer audit & NPM audits are run on deployment
  • Sanity is used for error logging
  • In NGINX they log the page rendering time which can be used for performance checks

Vite – TYPO3’s nimble frontend companion - Simon Praetorius

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

  • Why bundles?
    • Combine, optimise & bundle into single files
  • Which bundler?
    • Results (compatibility, consistency, optimisations)
    • Developer experience (setup, speed, extensibility)
    • Maintenance (maintainers, community, release cycle)
  • Vite uses esbuild & rollup under the hood
  • Vite has
    • SCSS & PostCSS built in (and more)
    • Bundles references assets (e.g. fonts & images)
    • Built in TypeScript
    • Automatic code splitting
    • Output as ES Modules
  • Hot module replacement
  • Robust file watching & cache busting
  • Lots of plugins, but if there isn't a Vite one you can use Rollup plugins
  • TYPO3 Vite plugin (npm install --save-dev vite vite-plugin-typo3)
    • Configures Vite (uses composer.json to find extensions)
    • Uses Configuration/ViteEntrypoints.json for paths
  • Vite TYPO3 Extension (composer req praetorius/vite-asset-collector)
    • Production/Dev context switching
    • ViewHelpers to embed assets
  • manifest.json file generated by Vite which TYPO3 consumes
  • Get started
    • Install extension
    • Install NPM plugin
    • Configure Vite
    • Setup entry points
    • Use ViewHelper
    • Start Vite server
  • Best practices
    • Import all JS & CSS for a plugin together
    • Use glob to find all the files (set {eager: true})
    • npm add -D sass
    • Each extension gets an alias based on TYPO3 extension name (e.g. @site_package)

Responsive Images - Helmut Hummel

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides (tbc) / Video (tbc)

  • Why bother?
    • Performance
    • Sustainability
    • SEO
  • Features of browsers
    • Preload scanner (scans for resources before DOM is parsed)
    • Tags and attributes
      • srcset - multiple image sizes and resolutions, browser picks. Screen ration & device pixel ratio is taken into account
      • If you start small and go bigger, it will load the next bigger image
      • If you start big and go small, it will just keep the big imgae
      • srcset has sizes attribute - tells the browser how much space the image will use
    • picture and source tags - for when you need art direction
      • use srcset inside source tag
      • picture and source can't be styled, you style the img tag instead
  • TYPO3 extension - Top Image
    • Declarative configuration (single source of truth)
    • Close to web platform specification
    • ViewHelper for rendering
    • Includes an API
    • Configuration is done by PHP
    • Has debug mode to put images with text information instead of your original image
    • Repo has an example extension within the tests repo
  • In Chrome dev tools, if you hover over a srcset it will tell you the current source

Let's make a simpler, more accessible web - Christian Heilmann

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

  • We've made the web for developers, not users
  • Why are we looking at spinners and loads and not content?
  • The web is built on resilient tech (HTML CSS)
    • Things that are wrong get discarded
  • But we've chosen the brittle one (JS)
  • Why?
    • Lack of control feels weird
    • Impatience - the web tech evolution felt slow
    • Perceived complexity
    • IESafari
    • Market push
  • 20 years ago, Chris wrote a blog post about "Unobtrusive Javascript"
  • The web used to be HTML & CSS and is now super complicated
  • Facts
    • Browsers are constantly updated
    • Web standards process is faster
    • We don't all need to build killer apps
    • Our goal should be satisfied users
    • Browsers are good at optimising UX
      • They can't break the web as they are the portal to the web
    • Browsers are just marketing tools to get you using the companies other tools
  • The web should offer user preferences (dark mode, high contrast)
  • Optimise what you can control
  • You cannot break HTML - send loads of it
  • Use the right formats (WebP, Avif)
  • Use closer servers
  • Don't put things in your machine that you don't understand
  • Caching - Offline first
  • Remove old libraries and polyfills
  • Don't bundle things that are only used once
  • Think about what you are including and why
  • Don't put images in CSS - put them in HTML where they belong so they can be loaded correctly
  • You can do object-fit with video
  • Put lazy loading on images & defer on script tags
  • When searching on a page, <details> will auto expand of the text is inside
  • CSS property colour-scheme: light dark; (MDN link)
  • Stop blaming browsers
  • Developer tools in webkit allow you to replicate blurred vision & colour blindness

QA in TYPO3 - CI in a community-driven open-source project - Markus Klein, Christian Kuhn

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides (tbc) / Video (tbc)

  • Why does QA matter?
    • CI is key for open source - if nothing is automated, your code won't get to a viable state
    • Learning
  • TYPO3 has over 670k lines of code
  • Aspects of CI
    • Lots of different platforms
    • Developers all over the world, but no contracts, so no "higher power"
    • There are guidelines, they can be violated, but the system needs to monitor these and catch these
  • Challenges
    • Maintain stability
    • Enhance code quality
  • Strategy
    • Deliver feedback as quick as possible
    • Easy reproducibility to local dev env - build an infrastructure where you can run it locally
    • Be deprecation free
    • Have each patch fully tested before merging
    • Run nightly tests which have more test permutations & edge cases (take longer to run)
    • If nightly test fails, the fix is prioritised
  • What is tested
    • Unit,
    • Functional and Integration which use a real database
    • End-to-end uses headless browser
    • Static code scanning
    • Integrity checks (commit checks, exception code checks, composer integrity)
  • Current process
    • Gerrit give you a linear history
    • Gerrit makes a new branch in Gitlab which runs the pipeline
    • CI load split over multiple runners
    • TYPO3 maintain their own images for running tests
  • Security team creates patches privately and merges on release day - pipeline needs to be able to run CI and deploy security patches as quickly as possible
  • Test often and early
  • Converting to Podman improved CI performance
  • CI provides a safeguard for new developers and the code

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Mike Street

Written by Mike Street

Mike is a CTO and Lead Developer from Brighton, UK. He spends his time writing, cycling and coding. You can find Mike on Mastodon.