TYPO3 Developer Days 2024: Day 1 - 1st August 2024

TYPO3 Developer Days is taking place in Germany over the next few days. As I attend each talk, I've been writing bullet points in my notebook of noteworthy things, things I agree with, things to remember or things to look up later.

The following post is those bullet points in a digital format. They probably won't make sense to anyone, but serve as a nudge for future me and stop them from living and dying in my notebook. They are also my twist and interpretation of what was said - some of it is verbatim, but other notes are what I took from it.

See other days:

Keynote - Benni Mack

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides (tbc) / Video (tbc)

  • Generative AI in a CMS
    • Content generation
    • Coding
    • Translating
  • Headless separates content from design
  • Structured and semantic content is key
  • Get your content straight and then let AI do the heavy lifting of editing, optimising & translating
  • TYPO3 Content blocks
    • Currently an extension but will be in the core in v13
  • TYPO3 SurfCamp built a website with site sets
    • https://github.com/typo3incubator
  • TYPO3 have a11y tests in the pipeline - look into this
  • TYPO3 are extending the LTS by 2 months (from v13)

Migrating from jQuery - Core Journey to Vanilla JS - Andreas Nedbal

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

  • $ replace with documentQuerySelector(All)
  • attr with getAttribute/setAttribute
  • .data('*') - use regex to replace with .datatset.$1
  • Native DOM API has no chaining of methods
  • closest exists in native JS too
  • new RegularEvent('change', function() {}).delegateTo (ref)
  • TYPO3 Backend JS has it's own AjaxResponse class to use instead of $.ajax
  • Lit/LitElements is a wrapper library for web components which is helpful for building dynamic HTML
  • Firefox restricts JS to the frame (Webkit ignores this)

Settings and Configuration Management - Benjamin Franzke

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

  • All settings should have a default
  • Site Sets - Configuration/Sets/[SET NAME]
    • Settings, TypoScript * TSConfig
    • Shareable
  • Configuration/Sets/*/config.yaml
    • Should have a name and label
  • In TYPO3 -> Edit Site Config -> "Sets for this site"
  • Site Sets can inherit other site sets
  • settings.yaml is available in v12 inside the config/sites folder
    • This was then replicated in a site set to centralise settings & allow to be shared
  • Settings are rendered as if they were in constants.typoscript
    • Can access them in TypoScript and Fluid
    • There is also a new method/attribute on a site config (getSettings())
  • Any setup.typoscript and page.tsconfig inside the site set folder will be loaded automatically
  • Site sets are a at a site level (can't load on individual pages)
  • Once using site sets - remove the TYpoScript include (E.g. EXT:form/Configuration/TypoScript/setup) and, instead, import the site set
    • Encourage ext authors to use site sets
  • No more db changes are needed (e.g. sys_template)
  • Sit settings also replace constants.typoscript (although still compatible)

TYPO3 Agencies and AI: An Experience Report - Fabian Stein

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides (tbc) / Video (tbc)

  • AI is seen as boring, disruptive and as an uncertainty
  • AI will not replace people in the short/mid-term
  • Clients are highly interested in AI, but they don't know how to use it
  • Use cases
    • Getting information (e.g. FAQs)
    • Help with text editing
    • Generating stock images
  • How can we support use of AI?
    • Tell success stories
    • Workshops - give people time to understand
    • Offer guidance
  • AI is change, and change is scary
  • RAG Workflow
    • Advantages
      • Easy to update
      • Easy to change
      • Many opportunities to use it
    • Disadvantages
      • Difficult to set up
      • Still can generate wrong answers
  • Open Source LLMs
    • Lama 3.1 (still needs a lot of resources)
  • Gaia-X
    • OpenGPT-x
      • Although no public progress since September last year

Testing with Doubles: Why, When, and How? - Sebastian Bergmann

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides / Video (tbc)

This was a more practical talk that went a little over my head, hence the small notes

  • Testing double is like a stunt double
    • Saves money as your double replaces "expensive" calls
  • Terms
    • Dummy object - no methods
    • Test stub - object & methods
    • Test Spy - keeps track of which methods and properties called
    • Mock object - expect X to be called Y times
  • Test stub
    • Looks like a real object
    • Can be configured to return a value or throw exception
  • Mock object
    • Looks like a real object
    • Can accept messages
    • Test communications between objects
  • PHP makes mock objects dynamic
    • E.g. with createStub
  • PHPStan reads certain comments (e.g. @template) to better testing - also this helps with IDE hinting
  • Never mock what isn't yours

Time Management for Developers - Rachel Foucard

T3DD Schedule Link / Slides (tbc) / Video (tbc)

  • Perception
    • Rachel told the story of rocks in a jar
    • Detect when something is good enough
      • You can add more value by focusing on more features, rather than whittling something to perfection
    • Past / Present / Future -> Not Now / Now / Not Now -> Done / In Progress / To Do
    • Days are routine which can help you synchronise with others but sometimes feel like they are running away from you
    • Social Acceleration
      • Technical (e.g. sending an email instead of a letter)
      • Social Change (e.g. postal workers losing jobs because of email)
      • Pace of Life (e.g. instantaneous communication instead of waiting for a letter)
  • Synchronisation
    • Meetings!
    • Use the same tools to plan your personal life as you do your professional life
  • Tools
    • Mandatory tools are ones your stakeholders/company use
    • Personal tools are the ones you prefer
    • The best tool is the one that you use regularly
    • If a task is less than 5 minutes, don't add it to your To Do, do it now
    • Personal To do lists should be: Update -> Watch -> Update -> Watch (etc)
      • Should look at your to do list at least 3 times a day
    • Synchronous tools (e.g. PM tools) should follow the same pattern but be looked at daily
  • Anticipation
    • Executing the task before time
    • Forseeing tasks
    • Emergency vs Priority is Fast vs First
    • Never plan 5 days of work a week - it doesn't exist
    • Track your time - not just for your company but for you, see where your time goes and it gives you better estimations

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Mike Street

Written by Mike Street

Mike is a CTO and Lead Developer from Brighton, UK. He spends his time writing, cycling and coding. You can find Mike on Mastodon.