The Arduino Uno and a Mac
By Mike Street
I finally managed to get my hands on an Arduino board a couple of days ago and have been playing around with it this evening.
Arduinos run one bit of code - that's it. Whereas Raspberry Pi's can have operating systems installed and all sorts, the Arduino has a bit of code it runs over and over again.
I wanted to make an LED blink (who doesn't?!) as my first experience, however - I was struggling to get my Mac to see the board. I had purchased a Sintron Uno and thought it was the knock-off board that was giving me sub-par performance.
After much-a-googling, I eventually discovered it was because of my computer missing the drivers. If found the steps below to ensure my Mac had Arduino Uno drivers installed correctly:
- Open up terminal
Run the following commands
$ cd /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns
$ sudo mv AppleUSBFTDI.kext AppleUSBFTDI.disabled
$ sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions
- Reboot
- Install FTDI Chip Drivers
- Open up the Arduino program
- Select the correct Port from Tools -> Port -> /dev/cu.usbmodem411
Happy coding!