2024 Quiz of the Year

Every year I run a quiz for our friends on Christmas Eve and thought I would share it. If you wish to run this quiz, you will need:

  • The slides (linked below)
  • The info and notes below
  • Spotify (or other music platform)
  • Pens and paper for your teams

The quiz can be played in teams or individually - I'll leave it to you to work it out.

This year there does need to be a quiz master due to the music round, however you can omit this if you all want to play.


Get the quiz slides

The slides are on Google, however if you need them in a different format, let me know.

Quiz Information

This quiz is 5 rounds with 7 questions in each round.

When running the quiz I ask that phones are put away - more for politeness than fear of cheating. I also make it clear that the answers in the quiz are always right - even if they are not. This way it is fair and should hopefully avoid arguments.

Round explanations

1. Herd Mentality

If you have played the "Herd Mentality" game then you understand this round. It is about guessing what everyone else will answer with.

You will be asked to name something and you are trying to guess what the majority will write. The first slide is an example question to practice:

"What is the best chocolate bar?"

You write down what you think everyone else will (Double Decker, right?) and, when ready, all reveal your answers. If there is a majority of the same answer those people (or teams) score a point. If there is a tie, no-one gets a point.

If you need more assistance, read the Herd Mentality rules.

2. Music Round

This is about remembering exactly what the song titles are. You are given the artist and the song is played (feel free to play it all).

Spotify Playlist

The players must right the exact title (including punctuation) to get the point.

3. Swifties

Marketed as a "Taylor Swift" round, this round is actually about all things swift - the bird, car and even the caravan.

Multiple choice, 1 point per correct answer

4. What is this?

I got my 6 year-old to draw things from around the house - what are they?

5. 2024

7 questions about what happened in 2024.

The end

Let me know if you use this quiz and how you get on - was it to easy? to hard? to complicated?

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Mike Street

Written by Mike Street

Mike is a CTO and Lead Developer from Brighton, UK. He spends his time writing, cycling and coding. You can find Mike on Mastodon.